Friday, October 1, 2010

Musleema + Candid Street @ Pavi

 Dear Belog...

Jumpa lagi, setelah sekian lama tak hapdet. Actually this event was happen on last september 25th tp bru ari ni sempat nak hapdet... Sekali lagi dipersembahkan hasil tembakan daku.. Kalau ada pape komen harap sangat2 diberi komen yang agak negatif [jujur sejujurnya untuk tujuan peningkatan kualiti ye...] Tolong taw... Hee

nila antara foto-fotonye... nak tengok yang lain2 leh la klik sini dan sini ye..peace...dozo yoroshiku ^^,




Anonymous said...

You made a few excellent points there. I did a search about the topic and barely got any specific details on other sites, but then great to be here, seriously, appreciate that.

- Lucas

Afzan Rahman said...

thanks for the compliments ^^,
oh, yes... you won't find any in sites...
the topic actually was the event that was organized by a friend of mine and was our first event..gratefully, everything was done very well...
hope that we'll organized the best event ever pray for us ^^,

thanks again dude :D

Einaz Shah Rizal Thomas said...

haiy cik belog yang cute ;)
nice to see your blog .

love einaz!

chairooL ruLez said...

wooahhh...posing tak hengaat....

natashagideon said...

hyeeee. tak dpt nak shout kat box :) ilsyahija bestt sangat! i like your blog!! :D

Afzan Rahman said...

- thanks, i love your blog too ^^,

- dah nama pun talent a.k.a model, msti la posing smpai terlupa...hehehe

- wahhh, ni yg makin bkobar-kobar nak beli tdung tu... yes, i do like your blog too... thanks dear :D


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